Evaluation of the population genetic structure of the colombian horse (Equus caballus) by genes coat in Bajo Sinú-Colombia
Heterozygosity, Allelic frequency, Genetic diversity, Gene flowAbstract
The inheritance patterns of Creole horses mantle color are the first markers that demonstrate the validity of Mendel's laws in mammals. These characteristics have become a model for genetic action and interaction study, not only to understand the population structure; but also, to explain some ethological relationships as phenotype-behavior. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic structure of the domestic horse (Equus caballus) using genes associated with fur in Bajo Sinú, Colombia. Samplings were taken between August and December 2017 in eight rural populations belonging to municipalities of the Bajo Sinú. Adult animals were morphologically characterized attending the autosomal markers cos of phenotypic coding; Extension, Agouti, Cream, Gray, White, Tobiano, Overo, and Roan. The results showed the absence of the Tobiano marker, while the Cream markers and Agouti were those of higher frequencies. Low values of genetic diversity were found.