About the Journal
Open access electronic scientific journal.
Objective and scope:
IBCIENCIAS is an electronic academic journal sponsored and edited by the Instituto de Biociencias (IBC) of the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH), Mexico. Long-form research articles, short articles, and reviews are accepted for publication in the areas of biological sciences, including, but not limited to: biotechnology, agronomy, food, ecology, forestry, livestock, zootechnics, botany, molecular biology, engineering, etc.
Articles published in IBCIENCIAS are written in Spanish or English with a title, abstract, and keywords in Spanish and English. Two issues are published per year (July and December) and one volume per year.
For the acceptance of articles, manuscripts are reviewed by at least two researchers in the area and an editor. The main standards that IBCIENCIAS strives for are high quality research, fair peer review, and high ethical standards.
Article processing charge:
IBCIENCIAS does not charge for the submission or publication of accepted articles.